"Step right up!"
, Gas Price Signboard

さあ,いらっしゃい! と言っても高いのですけれど

 米国でのガソリン価格もガロン $3 以上といよいよ高くなって来て,ガソリンスタンドの呼び込み看板も面白くなっているようです.意味を訊ねてみましたら以下のようでした.売る方も「もうやってられないよ !」 と言いたいということらしいですね.

 "an Arm and a Leg" については Wikipedia では

 (To pay an) arm and a leg: An extremely high price; to pay too much for something, sometimes out of a sense of desperation


 So have to give up a kidney, Arm, or a Leg, are all "black humor" for something being very expensive.

 "First Born" については

 The other, "First Born" is another "Too high a price to pay" for something ... giving up one's first born child to pay for a tank full of gasoline, for instance ... Perhaps in America, that's not such a bad trade for some families .... :) 最初の子供には,高くても少々の出費なら

 The other "3-letter acronyms" in the gas signs are:

LOL = "Laugh Out Loud" 笑っちゃう
OMG = "Oh My God"   ああ神様
WTF = "What the f" (Please substitute your profanity of choice for the "F") なんてこっちゃ

 These are "shortcut words" used by "Kids" instant messaging on cell phones or the internet/blogs/chat rooms - they convey rich meaning in only 3 keystrokes, so they are popular (and overused).

 これら三文字用語は "子供が" 携帯電話やインタネットの blog, chat で使っているものらしいのです.

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